
根据珍妮·克莱里校园安全法, 犯罪事件和其他相关信息发布在PG电子游戏的网站上. The Annual Security and Fire Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Maryville University; and on public property within, 毗连的或可接近的, 校园. 该报告还包括消防安全政策和统计数据, 紧急通知程序, 还有PG电子平台失踪人口的协议. 您可以通过联系公共安全部门的Lewis Sweigart(电话:(314)529-9564)获取该报告的硬拷贝, 电邮地址: lsweigart@cqhmmg.com,或访问 Clery行为 页面. 公共安全办公室位于下议院大楼.